for American/Canadian
Welcome to AirMed International for American/Canadian Travelers and ExPats. In the event of a critical medical emergency, if returning home is important to you, this is your solution. AirMed will transport you all the way home to your choice of hospital. You can travel with peace of mind when the unexpected happens.
We pick-up where others fall short
About AirMed International
AirMed International is one of the leading air medical transport companies in the world, with over 25,000 total missions completed across 150 countries. AirMed offers unparalleled medical care and bedside-to-bedside transportation on a worldwide basis and boasts some of the most experienced air medical crews in the industry. Chosen as a preferred operator for many of the top hospitals around the globe, as well as a contracted carrier for the U.S. Department of Defense, AirMed operates its own fleet of fully customized and permanently configured jets.
“To safely deliver the highest quality air medical transportation and patient care services available through operational excellence, expertise and innovation with compassion, integrity, pride and dedication”
With state-of-the-art medical jets and the most experienced and respected medical teams in the sky, AirMed is able to deliver on its mission of an uncompromised standard of care. AirMed owns and operates all aircraft, as well as employing its own dispatch, flight, and medical teams. This vertical integration ensures a seamless service and world-class care 24/7/365.
AirMed provides worldwide services from multiple bases strategically located across the globe. With accreditation from both CAMTS and EURAMI, AirMed is able to deliver a seamless transport experience to our customers regardless of location. Help is just overhead!
AirMed is the most trusted name in the air ambulance industry. We are prepared for every transport from premature babies to mortal remains.
We coordinate all ground transport arrangements from the sending facility to the airport and from the airport to the receiving facility (when using a Fixed Wing Aircraft).
AirMed Membership Plan
AirMed is a Membership Plan that provides pre-paid medical transportation and is not an insurance plan. A Medevac Membership Plan that brings you by private air ambulance to your hospital of choice in the US or Canada from everywhere*. Ideal for those who:
Live outside the US or Canada
Regularly travel anywhere
Cannot get medical coverage due to age or pre-existing medical conditions.
Affordable AirMed International Membership simply provides Worldwide medical evacuation:
NO age restrictions
NO medical questions
NO Deductible or Copay
Worldwide coverage and Guaranteed acceptance
AirMed is NOT like other plans that provide transportation just to the nearest appropriate medical facility and then, only if medically necessary, you are taken home. This is, if you are admitted to a hospital anywhere in the world and are medically stable, you will be flown all the way home no charge.
* Certain countries have restrictions on arranging services for medical transport in some instances a medevac cannot be performed from FAA Restricted areas
Annual Plans
Annual Plans give residents of the U.S.* and Canada premier access to the ultimate air medical transportation services, on call 24 hours a day, whenever a member is traveling 150 miles (241.40 km) or more from home. When traveling outside your country of residence, services are available provided you don’t spend more than 90 consecutive days outside the country per membership year.
Protection for you!
Home and Travel Coverage
Your Choice of Treatment Location
No deductibles or Claim Forms
Never Any Out of Pocket Expenses
*Pre-Existing Conditions Accepted *
No Financial Limitations for Medical Transports
*Waiting Periods. For the first 30 days of membership, a member may not be eligible for a transport due to illness or injury if the member was hospitalized for the same or a related condition within 30 days prior to the membership effective date.
Extended Stay Plans
Extended Stay “Away” Plans (also known as Expat Plans) are similar to Annual Plans, but allow for more than 90 consecutive days outside your country of residence. For more information on Extended Stay Plans,
Video https://www.airmed.com/About-Us
Annual AirMed Membership Benefits
A small slideshow AirMed International

AirMed International, where American/Canadian Travelers and ExPats travel with peace of mind. When the unexpected happens, AirMed will transport you all the way home to your hospital of choice. It’s an easy solution to get back home.
We pick-up where others fall short

NO age limit, COVID is covered, May purchase away from home