Ripcord takes the worry of out travel by providing 24/7 access to medical and security professionals combined with the best evacuation, rescue and optional travel insurance coverages designed for adventurers.
If you are injured, ill, or caught in a dangerous situation 100 miles or more from home, Ripcord will get you home safely. Plus, insure your trip with trip cancellation/interruption, primary medical expense coverage, sporting goods and more.
Ripcord is designed for adventure travel with coverages for remote activities and no altitude restrictions
Critical Benefits Include:
• Evacuation and rescue services from your point of emergency all the way home
• Insurance coverages tailored for adventurers
• Completely integrated program with a single contact for emergency services to travel assistance and
insurance claims
• 24/7 contact with medical and security professionals
We will waive the pre‐existing medical condition exclusion up to the
Trip Cost per person if the following conditions are met:
1. The Eligible Person purchases the travel protection insurance within 14 days of making the Initial Trip Payment;
2. The amount of insurance coverage purchased equals all prepaid nonrefundable payments or deposits applicable to the Trip at the time of purchase and the cost of any subsequent arrangement(s) added to the same Trip are insured within 14 days of the date of payment or deposit for any subsequent Trip arrangement(s); and
3. An Insured is medically able to travel when premium is paid.
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